Beetroot : Nutrition and Benefits

Beetroots are great on nutrition and make for tasty and healthy snack options. Let’s delve into their nutritional value and have a look at the health benefits they offer.

Beetroot Nutrition and Benefits















Beets are on the Beat !!

Beetroots are an amazing source of essential nutrients that can offer you, your Pink of Health. 🙂 

They are crunchy, juicy and bright pink in colour. Their taste varies from being sweet to earthy that might be a put off for a few people. Despite this, they are added to various recipes like salads, juices, soups, kebabs, milkshakes, cakes, smoothies etc for their unique flavour, nutritional value and health benefits. 

Beets are all fibre and rich in antioxidants, nitrates, vitamins (A, B6, C, Folate) and minerals (Potassium, Manganese and Iron). They offer healthy calories, carbohydrates and proteins that make them very apt for weight loss. Beet extracts are widely used in cosmetics, as well. 

Let’s have a look at the nutritional value provided by a serving of 100 gms of this root vegetable: 


Amount per 100 gms
40 Calories
Carbohydrates 7.90 gms
Proteins 1.70 gms
Fats 0.15 gms
Fibre 2.50 gms
Vitamins Vitamin C, Folate (Major)
Vitamin A, B6 (Minor)
Minerals Potassium, Manganese (Major)
Magnesium, Iron, Zinc (Minor)

The Benefits

  • The presence of Nitrates in beets make them an excellent food for lowering Blood Pressure. Though this effect is evident only for a few hours after the intake and depends on one’s consumption pattern. This further helps in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Beet root juice helps in improving stamina required for Exercising. Studies suggest that the nitrates enhance the body’s energy production capability by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the muscles thus, increasing one’s exhaustion time.
  • Beetroots are a gut friendly food. The fibre helps in improving digestion and preventing conditions like constipation. 
  • Another advantage of Beet roots is that they are rich in Iron and hence, can help with Anaemia.
  • Betalains give beetroots their deep pink colour and the Anti Inflammatory properties.
  • These contain Vitamin C, Minerals like Zinc, Magnesium and Phytonutrients that support the body’s Immune System.
  • The rich fibre content and lesser calories make them a great Weight Loss food.
  • Beets help in improving the Brain’s Cognitive Abilities.
  • The Antioxidants, Vitamins, Zinc in Beets help in preventing any damage to the body through Oxidative Stress. Thus, making them good for Liver, Skin, Heart and so on.
  • Beetroots have Anti Cancer properties.
  • The presence of Nitrates and Folate make beetroot good for pregnant women.
  • Beets can do wonders for the skin. They can be applied to the skin or consumed for a natural glow and brightness. They can also be used as a natural lip stain and blush for your face.

The Disadvantages

  • Since beetroot can power blood pressure. Those who have this condition must not eat the root vegetable in excess.
  • Excessive eating of beet roots can cause kidney stones as well, since they are rich in oxalates. 
  • Some individuals might be allergic to beetroot and show symptoms like itchiness, rashes, swelling, fever etc on it’s consumption.
  • If somebody suffers from diabetes, then they need to be careful with including beets in their diet since beetroots can cause a surge in the blood sugar.
  • Excessive intake can cause liver damage since the minerals can accumulate overtime and cause harm.
  • The oxalate content can increase Uric acid in the body thus causing joint pain, a condition called Gout.

Best Time to Eat

Mornings are the best. However, can be eaten any time of the day.


Salads, Juice, Dips, Soups, Flavoured Yogurt, Smoothies, Desserts

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